Thursday, October 2, 2008

Gandhi Jayanti SMS

Gandhi Jayanti SMS

Gandhi Jayanti is a national holiday celebrated in India to mark the occasion of the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the “Father of the Nation”. It is celebrated on October 2, every year.

Raghupati Raghav raja Ram,

patit pavan Sita RamSita Ram Sita Ram,

Bhaj pyare tu SitaramIshwar Allah tero naam,

Saab ko Sanmti de Bhagavan

Happy Gandhi Jayanti

The father of the nation

with the tools of truth and nonviolence

Freed our nation from imperialism

Follow path of truth and wisdom

Pay homage
to this great leaderon Gandhi Jayanti & always

Jo Bhagwan ko nahi manta use me Insaan nahi manta,

aur, jo Gandhiji ko nahi manta use me Indian nahi manta.

Wishing all Indians happy ‘Gandhi Jayanti’ on 2nd Oct

Tags: Gandhi Jayanti SMS,gandhi jayanti, gandhi, gandhi jayanthi, 2 october


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